About Bruce Goodman
Dr. Goodman has been practicing Primary Care Internal Medicine since 1989 in Bucks County, PA. He especially enjoys the rapport he develops with many long time patients, some going back 30 years. The intellectual challenge of the job with the satisfaction of truly helping those in need is extremely rewarding. Dr. Goodman also practices as a Hospitalist at St. Mary Medical Center in Langhorne, PA. where he does rounds daily on his inpatient population.
Residency: Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Medical School: Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Undergrad: Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Certified Medical Marijuana Provider
Dr. Goodman was one of the first physicians in the state to become a Certifying Provider for Medical Marijuana. We offer TeleMedicine visits for certification.
The fee is $190 for an initial evaluation, good for 1 year, and $125 for re-certifications required annually. Please be aware no medical insurance presently covers these evaluations.
Medical Marijuana appointments are available via remote TeleMedicine from anywhere within Pennsylvania
The initial steps for Certification require you register with the Department of Health and obtain a user ID. The link is below.
You must provide us with records from your Primary Care Physician or Specialist supporting your diagnosis.
You can fax these records to 215-860-3044 or mail them.
Stay up to date with the latest news and updates from the PA Dept of Health.
Board Certified Internal Medicine
Board Certified Hospice and Palliative Care
Dr. Goodman has been Board Certified in Hospice Care for over 10 years; currently he acts as Regional Medical Director for Southeastern Home Hospice. His caring and compassionate manner has eased the pain and suffering of hundreds of patients facing the most difficult time of their lives.
Office Hours
Monday and Weds: 8:30AM-12:00PM
Tues and Thurs: 1:00PM-5:00PM
790 Newtown Yardley Rd.
Ste 420
Newtown, PA 18940